Other services mark the church festivals such as Advent, Christmas, Easter and Harvest.
COVID-19 virus
Please refer to our Welcome page for latest updates on our coronavirus status. Thank you.To keep up-to-date with changes as they happen, please subscribe to this web-site using this 'E-alert' logo on every page; and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Thank you!
PLEASE NOTE: This website has been left intact as far as possible, in order to display what happens in KURC when we are NOT in the middle of a pandemic. Anything found in these pages must be understood in this context. Thank you.
Sunday services
Come and worship with us!
We are a community of people of all ages and from all sorts of backgrounds who seek to worship God and to learn from the Bible, in a variety of different ways.
Our regular Sunday services encompass both the traditional and the modern and so we hope that you will find something to suit you. Our usual services are outlined below.
Throughout the church year we have a number of special services such as for Advent, Christmas and Easter as well as on Remembrance Sunday.
10.00 Traditional worship with prayers, hymns, bible readings, children's talk and sermon.
'Busy bags' are provided for young children and babies. During the second hymn, children may leave the main service for their own group activities while parents/carers may remain in the service if they wish. Visiting children are welcome to join them.
11.00 Refreshments and a chance to meet up in the Mayo Hall.
11.30 Interactive worship with discussion, music, prayer and scripture. Activities for children are provided within this service.
18.30 Reflective service with readings, prayers and hymns
Second Sunday of the month
Refreshments are served in the Foyer or the Mayo Hall from 10.00am.Communion
Communion is served on the 1st Sunday of the month in the 10.00 service; the last Sunday of the month at the 11.30 service and on the 3rd Sunday of the month at the 18.30 service.Baptisms, weddings and funerals
Please contact the Minister directly for advice and help on these matters. To check whether the Hall is free for refreshments etc, contact the Premises Manager.
Prayer and meditation
For the time being, all gatherings for prayer and meditation are hosted on-line.
Recorded material
Our web site contains material recorded in Kingston United Reformed Church. It is available for podcast under the terms of our licence from the Performing Rights Society, which is renewed annually in August.
You may listen to an audio stream or, if you wish, you may download the entire audio file.
PLease access our recordings, from this and previous years, from the material found here.