Kingston United Reformed Church is keen to ensure that this site is accessible to all. Please let us know if you have any problems with accessibility. Thank you.
This website uses HTML 5 (HyperText Mark-up Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to render content. We have also used other technologies including JavaScript on certain areas of the website.
We commit to ensuring this website is as accessible as possible and we want as many people as possible to be able to use it. This means that you should be able to, for instance, access the website regardless of the device and browser you are using.
We have also tried to make the website text as easy to understand as possible
AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.
These tricks may be useful (work on most browsers):
'Ctrl+' (control key, plus) - makes the text larger
'Ctrl-' (control key, minus) - makes the text smaller
'Ctrl0' (control key, zero) - restores usual size
We have good disabled access to our facilities.
There is a ramp to the Richard Mayo Centre with automatic doors - a roomy modern lift is available to gain access to the upper floors. The church Sanctuary has level access from the pavement. Accessible toilets are available on the ground and first floors.Worship support
A hearing aid loop system exists in the Sanctuary and Mayo Hall to assist those who have impaired hearing.
Spaces are always reserved for the convenience of wheelchair users, and roving hand-held microphones are available to be used in meetings and worship. Large print hymn books are available and a large screen displays the words of all hymns and readings used in the services.Parking
Parking spaces are available in Union Street, adjacent to the church, for blue badge holders.
Disabled parking in Kingston: Telephone: 020 8547 5757 Shopmobility is available in Eden Walk car park (adjacent to the church): Telephone: 020 8547 1255